
Today, I'm going to talk about free software. 
First, what is opensource? Opensource means a software which has published its source code. As we all know, most software is close source software,  they don't give us its source code. And when we install them, we have to “argee” the terms which says you can't re-build it or try to get its source code. 
Second, some of these opensource software give us more freedom. That is what we call “free software” . But ,the word “free” here doesn't mean “we can get it and we need not pay any money”. 	Free software may cost your money, too. The word “free” here means freedom. When we say a software is a free software, it means following things:
	First and foremost, this is a opensource software. 
	Additionally, we can use it, copy it, change it, and re-build it.
	Last but not least, we can give it to anybody. 
Free software is almost everywhere. There are many free software in our life, such as Android, Linux, and Firefox. If you are use Debian Linux, congratulations, all of your software that install through apt is free. 
So, why we need free software? The free software foundation says, this question is really ridiculous. Non-free softwares are not good because they hamper your freedom, just like being beat up in handcuffs. When you finally understand, what does non-free software means for your freedom, you will not ask these questions again. 
Almost every programmer have their own github account. And most of them is writing code for free software. When you are looking for a job as a programmer. The boss may ask, do you have your own opensource project? Show me your github! 
Free software doesn't means no limit. Most of they have a license. And they may ask you to put the author's name on your release, or they may ask you to free your release. Different license have different terms. If you obey they, then you have right to use it without any other permissions, even the author does not have the right to ask you to stop doing so. But if you break them, the  author may send you to the court. 
Free software has its community, everyone can help the project that he like. He can help the  author to find bugs, or write code. If he doesn't like the author, he can fork the project, and start his own version. The only limit is the license. 
I have my own github. Github is one of the biggest free software community. Its slogan is Build software better, together. There are 9 million programmers using it. Programmers can find free software on it easily. And they can watch it, fork it, push request, and open issus. Github.com is a prefect website for programmers to learn and to work. 
Last, let's try to open github.com and have a tour! 
What are you waiting for? Start your own github. And welcome to mine!
If you need this article just visit my blog at tec.hxlxz.com . And this article is offer under creative common license. My github is github.com/qwgg9654 .
Thank you!

Something about free software 由 何相龙 创作,采用 知识共享 署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际 许可协议进行许可。


14 May 2015


